Industrial Heating and Cooling on the Go with AbsolutAire’s LX1 DDC Controls
Facility air quality management requires a control system that is capable of meeting demanding, precision standards. From the ability to define building pressure set points to advanced humidity controls, facility managers must monitor a regular stream of information, determine necessary adjustments and make changes to how the building’s systems are operating. Often, however, these changes can demand action at a time when the operator is poorly equipped – or prepared – to handle them immediately.
Thankfully, with all of AbsolutAire’s make-up air, heating and ventilating systems, we offer DDC microprocessor control technologies that allow for networked building management. Our control system, called LX1, lets building managers and operators monitor and control our equipment remotely using an external Internet connection.
With the LX1 system, rather than needing to cross the facility, make your way to individual control panels and manually entering in adjustments, you can simply load our control software onto computers within the building and make the changes you need. From your office, a laptop in your car or even at home in bed, the LX1 system affords you convenience but, more than that, it offers you the flexibility to focus on critical tasks without being pulled away to make simple system adjustments.
At AbsolutAire, we are dedicated to bringing value to the table. We know that clients in the manufacturing industry depend on us to make their lives easier and their facilities safer. Beyond those simple goals, however, we maintain a commitment to total customer satisfaction. If you’ve been looking for a partner to assist with your direct-fired total air management systems, contact us today to see just how firmly set we are on that commitment.