What is the Benefit of Having an Air Turnover Unit?
Our goal is to make air systems that make heating and cooling easier and more efficient. Our equipment doesn’t just meet industry standards and requirements, but often exceeds them to ensure your HVAC system is the best on the market. In this post, we will focus on what an air turnover does and why it’s beneficial to have one in your commercial building.
So, what is an air turnover unit? In simple terms, an air turnover unit is a large piece of equipment that handles air. Its function is to return and supply mass quantities of air without using ductwork. The way the system works is pretty simple – air is released at the top of the room and the same amount of air is then returned at floor level. That’s where the name comes from – the air exchange created a turnover of space volume. Air turnover systems are particularly efficient and effective for large space like warehouses and manufacturing plants.
Air turnover units typically result in energy savings because of the use of fan brake horsepower – traditional outside units use fans that are forward curved while air turner over systems use airfoil prop fans. Also, because air turnover units do not use ducts, there is less static overall which means that the fans require less horsepower.
At AbsolutAire, we believe commercial buildings should have high quality units and systems that will last the longest and also work the most efficiently which is why we focus on and are experts in “total air management.” We utilize the best people, processes, plants, and equipment to not only meet, but exceed industry standards and our customers’ expectations. If you have been considering installing an air turnover unit in your commercial space, do not hesitate to contact us today!